Complex Post Traumatic Disorder


Complex Post Traumatic Disorder

Complex PTSD

Are you suffering with complex PTSD?

If you have been  diagnosed with complex PTSD it can be a very debilitating diagnosis that can sometimes cause the person to feel completely overwhelmed and unsure exactly what it means. If this is you then you’re in the right place.



Some of the symptoms that you may be experiencing are frustration, anger, or hyper-vigilance where you are frightened, nervous or anxious in regard to certain places or people that may be around you. Stay in your room and isolate yourself, unable sleep and night terrors, If we look at the symptoms of anger and frustration many times people are judged as being angry or having an anger problem. The hyper-vigilance part of  COMPLEX PTSD or PTSD is that the body and the mind are constantly on high alert.  Your mind is always looking to see if there’s any danger or concerns in your environment, which environment may feel safe and which environments don’t feel safe. All of these emotions, the frustration and the anger and hyper-vigilance use quite a bit of adrenaline.



Any person who experiences traumatic events from during childbirth, childhood through to teen years and then into their adult life, survivors of domestic violence can feel the symptoms of hyper vigilance, anxiety, stress, frustration and anger.  it is important to remember to take some time each day to relax your body and your mind and try to bring down the level of hyper-vigilance frustration and anger.  Many people believe that PTSD or complex PTSD is always an incident that was either life-threatening, sexual assault, being robbed at knife point, or any major incident that may occur however it can be something that’s not so serious such as being forgotten to be picked up from school as a child.  Also if there are incidents where you arrive home and the family are not there, they’re running late due to traffic which has kept them held up somewhere.  If this consistently happens it can cause a person to feel overwhelmed frightened not sure about what’s happening and and therefore not feel safe and secure in their environment.



Each person deals with stress and anxiety in completely different ways. What may affect others on a high level of stress may not affect the next person each individual is different therefore it’s important that each case is treated individually and not all treated the same way by the Counselling  Practitioner or the GP.  It’s important that when somebody seeks help in regards to the symptoms they are experiencing that they feel heard and listen to.  if someone is trying to tell you there is something going on within their body or their mind and they’re not sure what they’re feeling, please don’t just dismiss what they’re saying and just listen and assure them that they are safe within their environment, calmly speak to them and ask them to take some deep breaths if they are hyperventilating breathing too quickly and feeling completely overwhelmed.  if at any time you feel that the person is in need of help, or may need some medical attention, offer them that support and ask them if they would like to be taken to the hospital or to see their GP.  Anyone feeling the emotions and suffering with PTSD or complex PTSD it is important that they feel safe and secure discussing their issues and the symptoms they’re feeling in a safe place where they won’t feel judged. PTSD or complex. PTSD does not only exist within their immediate family. It could be a friend or or a colleague from work who feel safe to be able to discuss with you whatever they are experiencing.  There is important that no matter where the person is from whether it’s family work or friends that you listen and just support them with with whatever emotion they are experiencing.  You may need to ask them what they need at that moment.  Ask if ther is anyone you can call for them, or would they like to be taken to the hospital or to the GP.  Supporting the person with PTSD was complex PTSD in which ever way they need is imperative to their healing journey as they need to feel they have a choice.  listen them and offer them offering a shoulder to cry on if that’s what they need.



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    Perfect work you have done, this website is really cool with great information.

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