Marriage Relationship

Marriage Counselling

Is there a lack of intimacy or communication breakdown within your marriage.  Are you not spending time togther, has having children changed the way in which you relate to each other?  Our counsellor is experienced in working with couples to enable them to get back on track.


Is reasonable and affordable. Pensioner and Health care card discounts offered also.

Treatment and Process

Being in a postive marriage can have a huge impact on your life, it increased your sense of well-being and happiness and will nutrure your emotional needs.  Unfortunately, when marriages turn negative, it can be devestating, leaving you feeling isolated, betrayed, unhappy and angry.  If there is a lack of intimacy, constant arguing, and resentment towards each other?  Tranquility Counselling believes that if you still love each other then you should give your marriage a chance.  Our counsellor is very experienced in couples and marriage counselling managing to save a realtionship in just a few sessions.  The strength of a marriage is reflected in how the couples deal with rough patches and move ahead.  Our counsellor will offer ways to better communicate and sift through the issues and support you to deal with the emotions of feeling unworthy and helpless.  The counselling is done in a peaceful envrionmen and no judegment is made on either person.

What to expect in couple counselling

In our first couple of sessions we cover the history of your relationship and identify your concerns.  Sometimes an individual session is needed to help us better understand what is happening in the relationship.

This initial process takes one to two weeks (depending on your available time), and helps to establish strong goals, and a plan tailored to your needs.

  • Pre-marriage couples
  • New relationship issues
  • Same sex couples
  • Intimacy after children
  • Empty nesters
  • Sexual issues
  • Trust issues

Treatment and Process.


Is reasonable and affordable. Pensioner and Health care card discounts offered also.

Our Therapy Process

  • Book Appointment

  • Therapy Sessions

  • Gain Confidence

Therapy Benefits

Build a strong, happy, healthy and loving relationship

  • Problem solving and conflict resolution

  • Process underlying pain and anger

  • Heal your past hurts and issues

  • Rebuild your respect and trust

Have Questions?

+61 430 864 144

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Appointment Now